Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chick-fil-A Came to Hollywood (and other October happenings)

It has been a while since I updated this blog, and for those who have noticed, I am sincerely sorry. I guess that means I have been busy, which is a good thing considering I have only been here 7 weeks. Seven weeks ago today, actually, is when I moved to Los Angeles, which I cannot believe. It seems like yesterday and a lifetime ago simultaneously.

Before I begin, I would like to address the most important issue on the table. Chick-fil-A in Hollywood. No, its not a mirage, it is real. It is actually the busiest Chick-fil-A in America, and they are 15% ahead of the next busiest store. I actually know the owner (free food!) and he said that no one anticipated how successful its been. He had to almost triple his staff within one week of opening. I am so glad the South has infiltrated the West Coast. Up Next: Country Music...

Back to what I was saying:

I will begin a few weeks ago, when I started my internship at Warner Bros. Records. Fun fact about Warner Bros.- there are two buildings that comprise the Los Angeles office of Warner Music Group. The first is the corporate building (see below). This is where HR, legal, sales, and all the other "corporate" stuff happens.

And then there is the 'Ski Lodge' (see below), which is where I work. This is home to the Publicity, Marketing, Art, A&R, merchandising, and other "artistic" departments. The creative stuff happens here, as well as being home to the producers, mixers, etc. and the Artist Lounge. Word on the street is that all the fun happens at the Ski Lodge.

I actually got to go to the artist lounge this week for the first time, and it is pretty sick. I would love to be an artist for a week just to get to experience all the perks that go along with it, like being pampered in the Artist Lounge. I went because we had a special staff screening (for lack of better term) of the new Wale album. I don't listen to Hip Hop music, so I am not super familiar with his stuff, but we had free Jamba Juice and alcohol, so I was there :)

Yesterday was the first time I got an advanced copy of an album, which I thought was pretty cool. I got Michael Buble's Christmas album, which comes out sometime this week I believe. Maybe he will come to the artist lounge one day and I will have to do a very typical intern task like go get him coffee or something? Haha, I can only hope...

Besides work, I have tried to keep myself busy. Today I went to the Los Angeles Zoo, and I had a really great time! I felt like a little kid again, and it was fun to be around families. I saw tigers, lions, zebras, chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, elephants, leopards, jaguars, and bears...oh my!

The lioness was a bit shy.

This red ape (above) had his face pressed up against the fence and was staring at all the guests like he was putting on a show. So cute!

I know this isn't the best view of King Kong, but it was the only one he would give... rude.

Did you know that zebra stripes attract mates? What fashionistas. I guess they are pretty similar to us after all- so keen on appearances :)

The Koala was my favorite. They were hiding in the branches though, and I couldn't get a real picture, so this one will have to do.

Okay, back to the update.

Backing up a few weeks: Three weeks ago it rained in Los Angeles. Pigs also flew. It was a crazy day. I know, I know... Rain? Isn't this supposed to be the land of sunshine and blue skies? I actually kind of liked it though- it was almost comforting in a way. The only downside was that people in LA drive in the rain like Southerners drive in the snow... they don't. It took me over an hour to get to work, which normally takes me 25 minutes. However, that afternoon when it had stopped raining, we got a double rainbow that was pretty magical.

Apparently, this had been the third day of rain in almost 8 months, which is a pretty great deal. Usually if it rains, it rains at night and you wake up to blue skies. The only indication of rain being that post-rain clean air smell and wet streets in the morning.

Below is what every day in LA looks like. It is pretty great, I have to say. This picture was taken at Griffith Park, where I spent one Saturday afternoon going to the Observatory and then reading at the park.

Later that same Saturday, I went to the Keith Urban concert at Staples Center, and it was incredible! I couldn't get great pictures because the zoom on my phone isn't the best, but these will suffice.

It was a pretty great deal because I bought a nose bleed ticket and then went down and found an empty seat on the 10th row right by the stage. I'm glad I went to the concert by myself because there was only one open seat where I ended up :)

Hmmm, what else have I done since the last time I updated you?

I have gone to YL Capernaum club in Santa Clarita and Pasadena.

I have gone to the Hollywood YL banquet, and Joel McHale was the emcee because he and his wife are on committee and very involved, which is pretty awesome.

I went to the Melrose Trading Post, which is a flea market. I didn't buy anything, and I am proud of my self control.

I went to a high school football game- Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose

I joined a Community Group at Church, and I love all the people I have met there.

Hung out with some Vandy Alums

Had a couple job interviews

Eaten at Chick-fil-A (duh)

and have been missing everyone at home! I got a message from my aunt last night that said "Make new friends and keep the old... but the old are better, so get your ass home!" It definitely made me smile. Good timing too, since Vandy Homecoming was this week and all my friends were back in Nashville. Oh well, maybe I can go next year! Go Dores